Thursday, July 17, 2014

Care to take TWO quick surveys for me?

I'm doing this research for my blog, and because I have these questions myself. If you would, please take the time to take both. (I realize they're not completely professionally done; it's my first time using surveymonkey).

Thank You!



Wednesday, July 16, 2014

What do you mean, SUSTAIN?!?!

1) "I SUSTAIN the leaders of the church. I raise my right hand to show that I will sustain them. In so doing, I'm showing my willingness to support THEM in their callings. I don't necessarily intend that I will believe anything that comes from their mouths. I believe they are called of God, yet I recognize that they are mortals, subject to all those things to which I am also subject--both strengths an weaknesses."
2) "F*ck this guy! He isn't my president! I didn't vote for him!"
The Oxford dictionary defines "sustain" to mean: Strengthen or support physically or mentally. It also describes it to mean: Uphold, affirm, or confirm the justice or validity of. We do these things "from below," meaning, we submit--or subject ourselves--in some way to those things/persons we sustain.
The 12th Article of Faith says: "We believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates, in obeying, honoring, and sustaining the law."
As a collective church, we believe the 13 Articles of Faith to have been divinely inspired.
Now, where is the distinction in sustenance, of the following?
1) I sustain Pres. Monson, as president of the church, and as a prophet when he speaks as such. This doesn't mean, necessarily, that I will automatically agree with everything he says/does. And sometimes, I don't agree with him. I will pray on all of it first, and then draw my conclusions, as to its origins, whether divine, or mortal.
2) F*ck President _________ and his stupid health care law! I aint having it. Impeach him! Screw the fed. government! Let's sue them and take our land back! Screw the BLM! I'll graze my cows wherever I want to! F*ck the EPA! Let's get in our trucks and "roll coal!"
Assuming these 2 statements were said by 2 different people, why is one considered more pious or faithful than the other?

For a great article on why Mormons are more hostile toward the current U.S. president, than are their Christian counterparts, go to this link:

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Forgiveness and Repentance

I was just reading Talmage's "Articles of Faith." In the section on Repentance, it talks about how
FORGIVENESS is one of the necessary parts of repentance; forgiveness of ourselves, but also
forgiveness of others. Essentially, if we don't forgive others for their trespasses against us, God will not forgive us. I don't often think about that part, when I think about my own repentance. I usually just think about how I have to be better about this, or that; I think about how I need to feel contrition and sorrow for my sins. But I rarely consider whether or not I am forgiving of others. That is a VERY difficult thing sometimes.

Forgiving others isn't as simple as just telling the jackass who scratched your car, "That's OK; I forgive you."; it's much more than that. It's having a freely forgiving heart. It's allowing others to have their imperfections, as God allows you to have yours; it's allowing everyone to BE where they are in their journey, as you hope God will bless you and keep you in yours. That is one of the most difficult things in life for me; that allowance for others to simply BE. And so, I'm sort of an incomplete repenter, until I can arrive at a place in my heart where I'm not worried about someone else's sins, or their differences, or their opinions, or their politics, or their personal path, or their understanding of the world which differs from mine, etc...

And I'll add one of my favorite quotes (which I've probably quoted a hundred times): “Ever keep in exercise the principle of mercy, and be ready to forgive our brother on the first intimations of repentance, and asking forgiveness; and should we even forgive our brother, or even our enemy, before he repent or ask forgiveness, our heavenly Father would be equally as merciful unto us.”

--Spiritual teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith; Section 4; p. 155--